More Resources
U.S. Atlas of Electric Distribution System Hosting Capacity Maps. Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy. August 2024.
Virtual Power Plant Flipbook. RMI. August 2024.
The Future of Vehicle Grid Integration: Harnessing the Flexibility of EV Charging. U.S. Department of Energy. July 2024.
Relevant Technical Standards for V2X Bidirectional Charging. VGIC. March 2024.
EV Rates and Programs Lessons Learned - For Massachusetts Stakeholders. VGIC. March 2024.
Utility Planning for Distribution-Optimized EV Charging: A Case Study in the US Pacific Northwest. IEEE. October 2023.
Automated Load Management: Technical Guide for EV Fleet Charging. The Mobility House. September 2023.
The State of Bidirectional Charging 2023. Smart Electric Power Alliance. September 2023.
Telematics-Based Managed Charging Market Context. VGIC. July 2023.
Freeing the Grid: State-by-State DER Interconnection Grades. Interstate Renewable Energy Council and Vote Solar. July 2023.
Vehicle-to-Grid Equipment List (V2GEL). California Energy Commission. March 2023.
V2X Implementation Guide and Mutual Aid Agreement Template. Electrification Coalition and SAGE. January 2023.
BATRIES: Solutions to Improve Energy Storage Interconnection. Interstate Renewable Energy Council. March 2022.
EVs and DR: VGI-DR Workshop Report. Southern California Edison, San Diego Gas & Electric, and Pacific Gas and Electric. May 2021.
Workshop of EVs and Demand Response in California. California Investor-Owned Utilities, California Energy Commission, and Other Stakeholders. March 2021.
Final Report of the California Joint Agencies Vehicle-Grid Integration Working Group. California Public Utilities Commission. June 2020.
VGIC Letter to California Governor’s Economic Recovery Task Force. VGIC. June 2020.
AMPLY Fleet Charging Simplified: Unlocking the Cost-Saving Potential of Electric Fuel. AMPLY Power. May 2020.
Final Report of the Vehicle-to-Grid Interconnection Subgroup. California Public Utilities Commission. December 2019.
Webinar: Energy Storage on the Move. Strategen Consulting. September 2019.
The ABCs of EVs: A Guide for Policy Makers and Consumer Advocates. Citizens Utility Board. 2017.
Electric Vehicles as Distributed Energy Resources. Rocky Mountain Institute e-Lab. 2016.
California Vehicle-Grid Integration (VGI) Roadmap: Enabling Vehicle-based Grid Services. California ISO. February 2014.